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Coastal Discovery

Walking Tour

Discover Arbroath's beautiful coastline and learn about one of the east coast's greatest locations

The Coastal Discovery tour takes you on a fun, informative walk along the Arbroath Cliffs. We will see some stunning locations and view rock formations such as 'The Needle's eye', 'Dickmont's Den', 'The Deils heid' and many more. Explore a massive cave, search for dolphins and seabirds, Learn how the tides and swell works, Watch videos of local cliff jumpers, Hear tales from our infamous smuggling days and learn about Arbroath's unique geology.


Feeling adventurous? You have the option to continue your walk after the tour and make a day of it. Family picnic? Swim? Why not walk all the way to Auchmithie for lunch?? :D


⏱️Time - 2hrs (+30mins return walk)

📏Distance - 2.5miles

💪General fitness and good mobility is essential

👯🏻People per tour - 8 people max

👦🏻Age - Minimum age 12 (Parents are responsible for under 18's)

⚠️1 parent/guardian per child(Extra waiver form to sign)

⚠️Steep edges and uneven ground mean that good mobility is essential. Please only book onto this tour if you have good mobility⚠️

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This tour has some physical requirements due to the danger of the area.
There are steep cliffs and slippy rocks.

You must -

  • Be confident on your feet and have good mobility

  • Have general fitness

  • Not afraid of heights

We will be walking along a steep cliff path and there is also a gentle sloped cliff path to climb down. There is a chance of slipping which could lead to injuries, broken bones etc...

If you have ANY doubts at all in your mind about your abilities then i'm afraid this tour is not suitable. Not recommended if you have any knee or hip issues.

Your safety is our top priority and we want to make sure everyone is kept safe and happy🙂


⚠️UNDER 18's⚠️

Parents are fully responsible for under 18s. Our guides will of course look after you but please make sure you pay extra attention to your child to ensure your child's safety.


The caves are dark and there is a section where you have to wade through cold water. Sometimes this can be scary for a younger person. Please make sure you child is of an adventurous mindset and is happy with walking on slippy rocks, being in cold water and dark places.

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